I have had this on the shelf for a while - I have been using AvidLiquid and I'm just getting around to this. Are the pacthes or upgrades available for this version and can theys till be dowloaded?
MC 2.8.4 is the latest free upgrade.
It is available in the download center
No luck finding it --can someone point me to it...most appreciated. Thx
Here's a link to the Download Center:
Once you're there you'll have to log in, and then click on Media Composer to see the list of available updates. I just looked, and you can go back as far as v1.3.1.
good luck,Carl
"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who only consider the price are this man's lawful prey." - John Ruskin (1819-1900)
Carl Amoscato | Freelance Film & Video Editor | London, UK
I'm confused. I can't log in to download
I registered the product and got the registration reply, and I can access forums, but I can't log in for downloads.
The FORGOT PASSWORD option does not recognise the email I registered and got confirmation on, nor does it recognise any other email address I have.
Is there a seperate loging for community forum and download? If so, where do I go to log in or retreive the passoword?
I believe they are different, I just tried logging in using my Forum login, but it kicked back saying that I needed to enter a valid email address. The email I entered and got in with is not the same email I have associated with the Forum.
Kenton VanNatten | Avid Editor (for hire)
"I am not obsessed... I'm detail-oriented"
I finaly got in. Technical support was quite helpful.
There are three files that seem to realted to the upgrade
1) versioner
2) start up project
3) AvidMediaComposer_2.8.4.zip
I scanned the README dopcument and don't see any reference to these files so I'm looking for instructions on how to do the upgrade.
Do I uninstall the older version, and which file do I run to upgrade?
Just download MediaComposer 2.8.4 and install it.
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