Video shot on a DVX 100B in 24p (not advanced), firewire captured from a DSR-11 to a 23.97 project in MC has a strange anomaly, different from but related to the pull down\stutter nightmares I read about in this forum. It might be related to the "capture only on the 5 field increments" instruction that came too late for me and my many hours of material. It seems that all my clips, captured on the fly, start on a multiple of 5 fields in the time code, by miraculous default. The problem I've got is that intermittently, in the middle of long clips filled with camera breaks, often at a break the clip will change from smooth play to a stuttered play where every third frame is repeated. That's not the same cadence as these various pulldowns, is it? If I redigitize the same section of tape, it plays smooth, but will kick into stutter mode at another camera break. Does the DSR-11 play 24P (23.97P) tapes without the pulldown through the firewire? It must if I'm able to capture to a 23.97 project. I don't think I have to capture the tapes from my DVX 100B to get 24p into my project. 24P has been a huge headache, and I haven't even faced the backend delivery problems yet. Advice to work in a 30i project won't help cause I'm intercutting 23.97 material from an HVX 200. Another big question is how to capture material from DVDs and Beta tapes (30i) to include in my 24p project edit sequence. In a 30i project, I'd pass the analog signal through my DSR-11 to firewire. Problems, problems.....
Can't help with the 24p capture, but if you're using MC4 then the mix and match timeline will help when it comes to including 30i material from DVD and Beta tapes. I've been impressed with mixing NTSC and PAL footage on the same timeline, saved me some headaches there. So well worth the upgrade if you don't already have it.
You have to manually log each clip, being very careful to look for camera breaks. As you do that, start each newly logged clip on a zero or a five frame count. It's a pain, but it works. You can't just do a full tape capture and expect the cadence of each clip to be the same.
For converting 30i to 23.976 I use DVFilm Maker. Here's the link:
Good luck.
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