Am I reading this correctly?
I'm currently on Windows 7, Avid MC 7, and I'm in the process of buying a new computer and I need to get an updated version of Avid MC.
On Avid's site it says new subscriptions are $239/year.
And it says that a crossgrade is $299/year (or $799/3 years, which is still $266/year)??
Am I misunderstanding?
the crossgrade from MC7 perpetual defaults to a 1 year subscription to Media Composer Ultimate, which is normally 499/year, not 239/year. it also shows the option of crossgrading to a 2 year subscription at the discounted rate of $549/2yr vs the normal non-discounted price of $949/2yr subscription. I think you're just looking at the wrong dollar amounts and product tiers for your comparison.
Post Production Infrastructure Engineer
"A very big network"
Thanks, NYnutz! I didn't realize the crossgrade was to Media Composer ULTIMATE (which I have no need for those features. I only need Media Composer)
I guessing there isn't a cross grade to just Media Composer Standard?
In that case I just buy a brand new subscription, I guess? It is cheaper.
No crossgrade to MC Standard. Yes, best to get a new license if that's where you want to go. Or wait for a black friday deal at vendors like Videoguys, that could even be cheaper.
Do realize that MC Standard also doesn't support shared bins/projects. So in any Nexis or third party environment, you'd need Ultimate (or perpetual).
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