This is with a Nexis Pro 40 TB running with a Mac Studio. Anyone have any ideas? TIA
does no one know this error message? The error message occurs with the following configuraiton.
Apple Mac Studio with Sonnet Echo III Expansion Chassis; Avid HDX with Pro Tools 2022.5; Avid Nexis Pro Client 2021.3.
The exact error message
Pro Tools was unable to Auto Backup your session.
If your session in on a read-only drive, you must disable "AutoSave" by unchecking "Enable Session File Auto Backup" (located in the Operations tab of Pro Tools Preferences dialog) to avoid this error.
(Error was: Bad address (14)
The error message appears only after updating to Apple MacStudio (macOS 12.3) and Pro Tools Ultimate 2022.5
Does anyone else have information about this error?
Regard Chris
[email protected]:The error message appears only after updating to Apple MacStudio (macOS 12.3)
Post Production Infrastructure Engineer
"A very big network"
We have this issue too. Here's the setup:
- Mac Studio M1 Max, 32GB RAM, Monterey 12.6.1
- Pro Tools Ultimate 2022.10
- Nexis Pro 20TB, Dell N4032 switch
- Using the Mac Studio's 10Gb ethernet for Nexis connection
Getting random "unable to auto save" messages. At some point Pro Tools freezes while writing the auto save file. The last autosaved session is incomplete, as it is smaller than the previous ones. This happens every couple of hours.
Our intel machines do not have this problem.
Forgot to mention: running the latest software 2022.9, both Nexis and the Client manager
Any news on this at all?
Getting the same 'unable to auto save' & hourly eternal beachball. Currently have to run my sessions on the desktop and then copy things over to the Nexis at the end of each day.
Machine 1
ARM (M2 Pro) Mac MiniVentura 13.2.1Pro Tools 2022.12NEXIS Server Client
Machine 2
ARM (M1 Max) Mac StudioVentura 13.1Pro Tools 2022.12NEXIS Server Client
The problem still occurs with the follow versions.
Pro Tools Ultimate 2023.3
Nexis Firmware 2022.12
Nexis Client 2022.12
Hi Chris,
Does this problem happen with any session? In other words, 1 track of audio versus 100 tracks? Just curious....
Ferddy Calderon
Avid NEXIS Sr. Principal Product Owner
Hello Freddy,
the problem occurs with both small and extensive sessions.
Regards Chris
Thank you for confirming that this is happening to any session. It looks like error 14 is not a NEXIS error per say and it could be a ProTools error. That being said, we are aware of this issue and we are working on a way to resolve this along with the ProTools team. We just released NEXIS 23.3.0 last week, have you had a chance to use that version?
thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, we can not test this version. Avid has canceled the support plan because the Nexis is too old. I realize that the extended hardware support expires at a certain age, but I don't think it's OK for Avid to stop offering us software support.
Best Regards Chris
Hi Chris.
Mind if I assist? You can reach out to me directly at [email protected]. We can discuss what your options are at this point from a support standpoint.
Chris BovéManager, Avid's Digital Customer Success Team[email protected]
Updated to 2023.3 Nexis server & clients. Issue persists.
One thing that is worth mentioning is that most of the issues (session saving bugs, transparent Pro Tools window which renders the software unusable, audiosuite rendering eternal beachball, etc.) in Pro Tools + Nexis workflow occur when using Rosetta. I have noticed pretty great stability using ARM Native Pro Tools + Nexis.
Unfortunately, working in post-audio means we use alot of Altiverb, which is probably the last "irreplaceable" plug-in to still require Rosetta...
It's a race between Avid and Audio Ease! Place your bets.
We've just bought another Mac silicon based workstation and have entered this world of murky support between Nexis, Rosetta, 3rd party plug ins and a requirement to run an aging Digidesign desk not compatible with Eucon.
Regarding Nexis, the engines are running 2023.3 with feature pack toggle and client end is 2023.8 - sessions run on Nexis poorly and end up eventually crashing when any form of disk write action is initiated. If the session is moved to local storage or a NAS connected via SMB, all seems fine.
Chris, was there a fix available that we might explore? I have a host of options surrounding a Nexis alternative storage system, replacing the M2 for the highest spec possible Intel based chipset, using ARM supported 3rd party plugins only (but this isn't really a path worth exploring from a creative view).
I've read a number of threads across several forums and while this is a niche issue, it's still an issue and I find it alarming that Avids own storage isn't working well with its own software compared to off the shelf alternatives.
Craigo5000 what you describe might have something to do with certain mac-specific issue when using 23.3 client and 23.8 server. There were some changes how clients handle large number of file operations between the two versions, so what I can suggest is to keep 23.3 client with 23.3 server, or move to 23.8 for both server and client. These were tested extensively togather, and work good. You should not use newer client with an older server.
If for any reason you have to stay on 23.3 client on ANY workstation in your production envirement but want to update NEXIS server to 23.8 please follow the procedure from this post: Important info on upgrading Avid NEXIS | VFS server software to 2023.8 - Avid Community
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