Trying to use mask margins to reformat content for social. None of the Mask Margins settings work. They don't take effect on the current project. The screen blinks and then nothing.
Any thoughts on this?
Michael Mills TeleStory Pictures "Some people see things and say,'Why?' I dream things that never were; and say,'Why not?'"
You'll need to set the format in Project Settings, and hit Apply, then close the Project Settings.
Then you'll need to right-click on the Source and/or Record Monitor and hit "Target Mask" and choose Black, Mix to Black or Mix to White. If you are using FullScreen Display, you'll also need to set it in Full Screen Display settings. If you have an I/O device, you'll need to activate the Target Mask in Video Output settings.
Odd, I use Target Mask all the time, but I just created a new project (to test another mask bug) and find I can't change the default 16:9 Mask Margins settings in Settings/Project. As the op said, after changing the setting (to something like 2.40:1) and hitting Apply, the image (record monitor) flickers then nothing and the settings are back to 16:9. Also, just hitting OK rather than apply behaves the same. Target mask is turned on to Black (right clicking in the record monitor).
We have exactly the same problem (MC 2021.12.2). It looks like its a bug which only happens when you created a new project.
As a workaround:
Close the created project and reopen it. Now you can change the mask margins in the project settings and it wont change back to 16:9.
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