My system stop working and it keeps saying that applications manager is unaple to connect to avid server I am on 8.94 what can be done to get back up and running. I am right in the middle of a project that has to be done by Monday HELP HELP. I am useing a IMAC with macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra I use a dongle This is the same system for the last few years and I have not had a problem. HELP WHAT CAN BE DONE
Hi, jcpro, Thanks for your post. We have a brief server outage, but it was fixed. Can you try to log out then log in to Avid Link? Report back.Thanks,RalphC
Thank You for your reply I tried what you suggested and it will not let me get in to log out. the application manager pops up as soon as i try to open MC, and says applications manager is unaple to connect to avid server the the pop up screen comes up to ask if I want to activate electronily or with a hardware key ( DONGLE) When I say yes I get SOFWARE ACTIVATION HAS FAIlED LICENSE IN VALID I have never had this problem what can I try next
I tried it and it did not work I purchased a Perpetual license 8.9.4 so I would not have to upgrade This version doese everything that I need and it has been working great for years I don't know what happen and to upgrade it know it will cost $1400.00 that is just not in the cards for me. I don't know where to go from here. it looks like I am not going to make my dead line. I may try to download 8.9.4 again and reinstal to see if that works
I don't understand why you are having to contact a licence server if you have a physical dongle.
Your dongle should be licenced for any version of MC that was issued in the year you last updated your dongle, using the Dongle Updater file you downloaded from your account (assuming you renewed your support contract).
Are you sure your dongle is being seen by the system? Is the green light on the dongle illuminated? Do you get a system 'bong' when you plug in to an USB port?
Did this suddenly just happen, or have you updated anything?
You are right some how my system is not seeing my dongle . Now I need to find a dongle updater for version 8.9.4 any suggestions on where to find it
First, you need to acertain if your dongle is actually able to be seen by your system.
As I said in my previous email, does the LED on your dongle light and/or do you get a confirmation sound from your computer once the dongle is connected? If you don't, it's possible that your dongle is damaged somehow and not being seen as a usb device.
If you think it is being seen, you should be able to open Avid's Application Manager, and under the 'Licensing' tab, you should see information about your dongle. You can see the the last time you updated the dongle by looking at the 'Blasted on' date and when the support expires from the 'Contract Expires' date.
You say you had the dongle working with 8.9.4. This version was issued a few years ago, and I'm assuming your dongle was licenced to use it.
You don't mention if you have a current support contract. If you do, then you can download the dongle updater file from your account and use Application Manager to blast the dongle. If you've let the dongle support run out, then Avid's current policy is that you cannot ever update the dongle. That means you can't take a few years holiday from paying the yearly support. Once you let it lapse, you can't reactivate support on that dongle.
This doesn't mean that the dongle won't activate MC any more. You can carry on using any version that was issued during the contract period of your dongle - it just won't work with any version of MC that was released after this date.
If you haven't updated your version of MC and it was working with 8.9.4, then it should continue to work perpetually.
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