Latest post Sat, Aug 1 2020 9:52 AM by Roger Shufflebottom. 3 replies.
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  • Fri, Jul 31 2020 10:13 AM

    SubCap effect in 2020.6?

    I confess - I never used this effect but now I'm trying to write a tutorial on SubCap. I'm on 2020.6. I can create a number of Stylesheets but if I quit Media Composer and relaunch or even just switch projects without quitting, they are not saved. The MC Effects Guide states:


    Caption stylesheets are XML files and are stored in a folder called Caption Effect Stylesheets inside the AVX2_Plug-Ins folder in the application folder for Media Composer

    I can't find this folder. Checked in Application Support> AVX2 plugins also. Can't see anything. Tested on 2018.12.7 and the Stylesheet dialogue comes up with one called 'Caption Effect Settings' before I add any more - I don't see this in 2020.6. Stylesheets save OK in 2018.12.7. Also, if I export an .stl file from either 2018 or 2020 and reimport it, I get a message saying that 'x captions will be spliced in' ... my video track is correctly subdivided but I only get text in the first segment. Also, both on 2028 and 2020, if I try to import an .stl file stored on an external drive, I can't navigate to that drive. I have to copy it to somewhere in my home folder. Trashed MCStae, new use, new project etc. I don't have the time or inclination to uninstall and reinstall yet again!

    As the late John Walters used to say: "Is it me?"

    iMac i5 27", 40GB RAM, OS 13.3.1 with MC 2023.3 with Symphony option, BlackMagic 4K. 2020 MacBook Air with MC 2022.7 ... and NewsCutter 7.x on Dell... [view my complete system specs]

    With best wishes, Roger Shufflebottom

    ACI, Dorset, UK.

  • Fri, Jul 31 2020 2:57 PM In reply to

    • ericswanson
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    Re: SubCap effect in 2020.6?

    On my Mac, I found the caption effect stylesheets here:

    /Users/Shared/AVX Plug-Ins Data/Caption Effect Stylesheets/Caption Effect Settings.xml

    I am currently working on translations for an old project and I had to downgrade to MC 2018.11.0 to be able to open the project. So in 2018.11.0 I just went to the SubCap stylesheets dialog and created a new one. It saved to the above location.

    When I want to do a different language, I duplicate and open the sequence, make sure that only the video track with the captions is selected, make sure that track is the top one being displayed, put the current position indicator on the first caption (or click the first caption), then enter effect mode, I click the import captions file and it says it is only going to update 1 caption but it does the entire sequence in reality.

    Hope this helps.


    Editing on an iMac Pro [view my complete system specs]
  • Fri, Jul 31 2020 3:52 PM In reply to

    Re: SubCap effect in 2020.6?

    Thanks for that. I located that folder but it is empty on my 2020.6 installation. I've followed your procedure when it comes to importing a file but no good. Must be a 2020 thing.

    iMac i5 27", 40GB RAM, OS 13.3.1 with MC 2023.3 with Symphony option, BlackMagic 4K. 2020 MacBook Air with MC 2022.7 ... and NewsCutter 7.x on Dell... [view my complete system specs]

    With best wishes, Roger Shufflebottom

    ACI, Dorset, UK.

  • Sat, Aug 1 2020 9:52 AM In reply to

    Re: SubCap effect in 2020.6?

    As a test, I copied the Caption Effect Stylesheets folder from a 2018 installation to my main 2020.6 installation. All the styles showed up and styles are working correctly now. I have a second 2020.6 installation on a MacBook and I checked that ... the Caption Effect Stylesheets folder is empty so I think this is a bug in 2020.6 and possible earlier. Avid?

    iMac i5 27", 40GB RAM, OS 13.3.1 with MC 2023.3 with Symphony option, BlackMagic 4K. 2020 MacBook Air with MC 2022.7 ... and NewsCutter 7.x on Dell... [view my complete system specs]

    With best wishes, Roger Shufflebottom

    ACI, Dorset, UK.

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