Hey Friends,
I hope someone can help, I'm running into issues here. My situation is thus: I am a freelance editor who bought Avid MC right when I was leaving school. They were offering free updates and a really good student discount. I installed it (version 6), and upgraded it several times no problems. But then I upgraded my OS to 10.10. Problems!
It wants me to reactivate the software, but when I enter my license key it says failed, contact customer support. OK, so now I think how about a clean install? I go to log onto my account and find I can't get into the download center, and theres no account attached to that email. Which is weird, because I'm staring at the email right here.
I try to contact support like the program suggested, but I dont have a support code. Am I doing something wrong here? How do I resolve this? I'm getting super frustrated. Options anyone?
Try reaching out to Customer Advocate Marianna. She will be able to help.
But you've learned a valuable lesson. Don't upgrade the OS without knowing what version of MC works with it. v6 is not and will never be qualified for Yosemite.
-- Kevin
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