I'm wondering if anyone using the AJA IO Express could tell me if it's be capable of outputting video both to a 3rd monitor via HDMI and also to a Control Room which would send the video out to a client via SDI.
1. Would the software between MC and the IO Express work together?
2. Can the IO Express output through both the HDMI and SDI outputs at the same time with a delay or degredation of quality?
Thanks for any help.
HD SDI and HDMI work at the same time when running Media Composer with no delay or degradation. It can even downconvert to SD SDI and YUV while feeding a HDMI monitor.
Rodney Sewell BFS
But MC 5.5 won't work with a G5 Power PC Mac, you need a Intel Mac.
Must think of something clever to go here...
We're aware. We're doing a system-wide upgrade. Hardware and software. Thanks for the lookout.
How are you using the IO Express in a larger environment with referenced (genlocked) decks and equipment? I don't see any provisions for give the IO Express a genlock signal.
Ignore my previous post - just realized the LTC BNC connectors can be switched between reference and LTC.
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