I just installed MC 5.5.1 two days ago. Every time I boot up, this message appears:
"Unable to verify authorization. Please install Boris Continuum Complete from its original distribution CD-Rom."
... which I did. But this message still appears. It goes away after I click "ok" about a dozen times.
Any ideas? Thank you...
Time to upgrade Boris?
I don't mean to be cheeky, but there was a major code shift around BCC 5 or 6. Now it is part of the AVX 2 universe. Buy the boxed set upgrade instead of the download upgrade and you get BCC 7 and the new Sorenson Squeeze. Well worth the price.
Have you contacted Boris support? They are very good about handling issues and may have a solution for this. In fact, there is a nagging memory I have that I ran into this years ago and was given a solution.
Terence Curren Alpha Dogs, Inc.
Burbank, Ca
I've been doing download-only upgrades all along. Most recently, MC
Never been a problem before.
I understand. But there have been a lot of improvements in BCC and Sorenson and Avid DVD (does BluRay now) and Avid FX. You get all these for free in the upgrade box. Just saying....
Here is what you could do. Uninstall Boris. Go to the registry and remove any Boris entries. Restart computer. Install BCC.
If that doesn't fix it. Boris is your best hope.
Check out this page:
I've also tried to contact Boris.
It looks like I've upgraded on-line at some point. The plug-ins still appear, and work. It's just this annoying message that keeps poping up.
It's moment like this that make me realize I hardly use Boris.
And, I already upgraded to Sorensen 6.5 months ago. Version 7 is already out, and looks like it would save me a lot of time compressing. Funny how these upgrades don't seem to sync up.
TCurren: Check out this page: http://www.borisfx.com/host/matrix.php#null
Thanks for the link, but it looks like that matrix isn't really comprehensive. For Avid MC 5 it says:
Media Composer 5 Win
Boris Continuum Complete AVX - version 7.
BCC 6 was in the "Production Suite" that actually SHIPPED with MC 5.0, so we already KNOW that BCC 6 worked with MC 5, but you wouldn't know it from looking at the matrix.
PS. The Avid downloads page continues to only offer BCC 4.2.2 as the most recent version, which is strange given that newer versions have been available from Avid for quite some time.
I had the same problem
I have contact Boris tech, and 2 days ago they have sent me "new" version BCC 4.2.3 that shoould fix it.
Just before I got this file I have found a "workaround" for this issue.
I have a friend that his avid system was crashed (pc hardware problems)I took from him his serial number for his BCC5 (also downloaded version)I have installed BCC5 over my BCC422. That fixed the error messages.Finally I have uninstalled BCC5, so now I have my BCC422 working without any error messages.
...just to follow this thread through...
Marianna kindly sent me a note suggesting that TCurren's line of reasoning was correct, so I decided the best course of action was to upgrade all my third party apps...
Boris did get back to me and suggested the following:
"Speaking with Engineering, this may actually be a problem with the way the current version of Media Composer addresses itself, making BCC no longer recognize it. In that case, the best course of action would be to Uninstall BCC AVX 4.2.2, maybe launch Avid just to confirm BCC is completely gone, and then reinstall using the installer below - ftp://saturn.borisfx.com/supportupload/BorisFX/BCCAVX423Windows.exe "...although he later admits it may not work without the correct serial number.
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