Ive got two monitors that work stretched across, one to the other. I would like it to be where I have Avid running on one window, and then have the second monitor work just as a preview monitor. How do I set this up? Ive got it to where I can shrink avid to fit window two, and then hit full screen play back on the first window, which works but only till i open something like audio mixer or effects or something, then it goes away.
If you have an NVIDIA card, make sure it's set to DualView,; then go into setting in Avid Full Screen playback and set-up full screen playback for the second Monitor. Check your readme file or online library/or paper MC Manual for proper set-up of the NVIDIA Card. Make sure you have a system that can run FSP. You can also output via fireware to a monitor for preview too.
More of the pros can do a more proper explanation - hope that starts you in the right direction! Make sure you post your specs too.
I just read that you are running FSP - so Sorry! Te only other way I know, if you are running software mode, is to output via firewire to an external monitor. It's under the "Desktop Delay" setting "dv output" i believe.
It won't be realtime though if you have unrendered effects; you'll need avid hardware for that, but that's the set-up I use.
Like I said, with more info on what format you are editing, well, the Pros will be able to answer those better than me.
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