Hey all,
All of you might think this is a noob question; however, I feel it's an advaned question (for me) and I tried many methods without the desired result.
Okay, here goes:
I received a disk (over a terabyte with project bins and MXF files) of footage shot with a DVX100B in 24a cadence. But it was all digitized into a 30I project! There's alot of green screen and motion effects that would look a lot cripser if I had true progressive frames.
So, I made a 23.98 project; opened his bins and "set modified" the sequence to 23.98; during playback it looked a bit jumpy at the top and bottom of the frames and the the resolution looks like it wasn't converted correctly.
Then I set a Timewarp motion effect and set the source to Film 2:3 pulldown and let the Motion editor detect the cadence ofthe pulldown, and set output to progressive. I tried all the fields (VTR, belnded interpolated), but it still is removing the pulldown correctly in my eyes.
Any suggestions, before I go to After effect? I'd rather do it thru Avid. Let me know the proper steps, if any of you get the chance, or pat me on the back and say "Bobby, my pal, you are up a creek. Is it not working because I can't do individual shots and I have to set the Timewarp effect on the whole master?
Or, when MC automatically "set modifies" the sequence to 23.98, does the timewarp filter set the right pulldown removal?
Everytime I click motion effect editor, it doesn't read it as film with 2:3 pulldown, but as Blended interpolated, source is interlaced and output progressive.
Alright, that was a way for me to say "bump", but I thought writing something was less annoying. See y'all later...
Setting the system to modify to 23.976 only deals with metdata, not the actual video. Your best bet is to work in v4 and open the 30i (with pulldown sources) into a 23.976 project. The adaptor will remove the pulldown for editing.
Thank you!
So, in the motion effect editor the right setting in the motion effect editor with the clip 30i (24a) clip in the 23.98 sequence are: blended interpolated (or blended VTR?), film with 2:3 pulldown (source), detect pulldown? I did that and exported (rendered the filter) a QT reference and posted it side-by-side with a DVFILM pulldown clip. looks crisp to me, but I want to make sure.
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