I have an area of my timeline where it just won't render and playback smooth. I am only using avid dissolve, title tool text. No 3rd party effects. Any idea why I am getting this error. using MC 2021.9
dew:I am only using avid dissolve, title tool text.
The marked portion of the timeline shows two matte keys (V4 & V5) and two sets of collapsed effects with some other effects (I assume) inside them (V3 & V6). Are there any effects on the audio tracks?
I would try:
1. Step into the collapse effects on V3 and V6 and try to render the individual effects inside them. Do not use 'Render In/Out', turn all tracks off except for the top track with an effect on it and use 'Render at Position'. Do the same thing with the next lower track until you get all the way through the stack of effects inside the collapse.
If the 'not recognized' message appears at any point, post a screen shot and tell us what effect you're trying to render when it does. If the collapsed effects render without issues, continue to
2. Try to render the effects on V4 & V5 individually. Again, use 'Render at Position' instead of 'Render In/Out'. If the 'not recognized' message appears at any point, post a screen shot and tell us what effect you're trying to render when it does. If the V4 & V5 effects render without issues, continue to
3. Post a screen shot showing the rest of your tracks at the point you are getting the 'not recognized' message.
"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who only consider the price are this man's lawful prey." - John Ruskin (1819-1900)
Carl Amoscato | Freelance Film & Video Editor | London, UK
I tried everything and I am still getting the same issue. I tested a new sequence and messed around with the 3d warp on 2 clips and the render at position worked fine. It must be something causing issues in that sequence but I am not sure what. I was just trying to indicate that all the effects are avids native effects. I do have some nested clips but I have the same issue on non nested clips.
If other sequences are working but this one is not, try this:
1. Clear both the source and record monitors.
2. Drag & drop the sequence that is not working from the bin to the source monitor.
3. Mark in at the beginning of the sequence in the source monitor and out at the end.
4. Turn on all tracks in the source monitor.
5. Overwrite.
This should create a new sequence that is identical to the sequence that is causing the problem.
Try to render the sequence you created in step 5.
Just to be clear...this sequence originated in this version of Avid?
It didn't come from a different avid system, or was imported via aaf from something like Premiere?
(That is the most common way to see this error.)
Yep this is a new sequence. I scrapped that sequence and started a new one and I am getting the same results. I had to do a mixdown just to watch the sequence play through in real time without buffering. Its only a 15 sec promo using stills, no video and now the title tool. When I use multiple effects( alpha matte, 3d warp mainly) I get a render issue. I have 3 stills nested doing some 3d moves and it just won't render and playback smooth. Even with render in and out. I probably can upload a video of what it looks like to give a better understanding. I will say this is extremely frustrating.
When you mention the area doesn’t play back smoothly... I wonder if it plays back at all.. or if it’s just choppy?
If you park the pay head over that section do you get any errors in the record monitor?
Is it possiblele to recreate the whole effects stack? Or save the effects into a bin and re-apply them? I’m typing from a phone so can’t really take screenshots, but I notice your bottom clip on the avid timeline changes colour from purple to blue for no reason? There isn’t a cut there...
Have you tried rendering to a different codec? Change the media creation settings to DNxHR LB for example.
If Carl’s suggestion of copying the clips in question to a different timeline didn’t work, you could also try creating a new Avid project, and open the sequences bin of the old project in the new one to see if the old project could have possibly corrupted.
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