I connected a tv up to my pc just for fullscreen playback. I set the tv up for full screen playback in settings. Everytime I switch workspaces (color. effects, audio) MC moves the timeline to the tv set for full screen playback and opens the bin to the monitor. The only workspace that views as it should is my workspace for single monior editing. Any idea on what I need to do to prevent this? I just want MC on the monitor screen for all editing workspaces and the tv to show fullscreen only. This is my first time setting something like this up so I am sure it is user error. I just couldn't find anything out when doing a google search.
Make sure that the editing monitor is number 1 in the Windows display setting, and on the left side of the desk. The TV has therefore to be number 2 and on the right side.
peace luca
For the life of me I cannot get the edit monitor to set as display 1. I am using 2060 graphic card. I have tried with windows display setting and nvidia control panel. I have set it to primary. The workspaces won't stay in the saved configuration I have. After I close MC and reopen the edit screen jumps to both monitors. Any idea of how to set the edit monitor to display 1? My main monitor is older and I am using the VGA display port. The full screen playback is running off of HDMI.
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