Latest post Sat, Jul 27 2019 10:32 PM by lalittle. 16 replies.
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  • Fri, Jul 26 2019 9:36 PM In reply to

    • jef
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    Re: AMA link to clip, but have it play at slower project framerate.


    Seems like the time warp solution requires the fewest steps but is a bit complex "under the hood," while the export/import solution requires more steps but has the least complex end result.

    From my perspective, the timewarp is actually less complex.  You have not modified the original clip in anyway.  Metadata stays untouched.  Plus you have the ability to fiddle with all the timewarp options on any clip at any time.  To me this gives the most control.  Something I value when finishing a show.

    But there may be downsides unique to your workflow.  Good luck!


    Avid DS 11.0.2 R.I.P | MC "Well, it depends ..." 2023.3.1 iMac w Big Sur and 2018.12.7 on Windows 10 Boot Camp [view my complete system specs]


    Jef Huey

    Senior Editor

  • Sat, Jul 27 2019 10:32 PM In reply to

    • lalittle
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    Re: AMA link to clip, but have it play at slower project framerate.

    Okay -- for the sake of anyone that may find this conversation useful, I thought I'd share my thoughts after playing with this for a bit.  I'm finding that in this particular project, the export/import method feels more "clunky," but it's simpler to work with once it's done.  The timewarp process, on the other hand, feels more "fiddly," but it offers more flexibilty and is more efficient

    By this I mean that with the timewarp process, a few extra steps are needed to finesse the resulting clip in the timeline in order to extend the length to accomodate the slower speed and, threrefore, longer length.  The export/import method, on the other hand, is obviously more wasteful on space, and requires one to make a new sequence for each clip, export it, and re-AMA link to the exports.  This arguably may takes a little longer in order to stay organized and keep things straight, but the thing I like about it is that all the work is done up front rather than during the editing process.  In other words, I can just grab these new clips right out of the bins, plop them in the timeline, and everything is at the correct framerate.  I don't have to take the time mess with the timewarp effect and lengthen these clips every time I want to use one.

    For me -- once again, in this particular project -- getting the work out of the way up front just feels like a better solution.  Since the clips are all relatively small, size isn't a consideration.  Since I'm not going to be altering the lengths at all, I never need to touch the timewarp effect.  I should also note that I may be using these same clips in other projects, at which point having done the conversion work up front becomes even more helpful.

    jef - This is not to say that the timewarp method of doing this wouldn't be a better solution at times, and I really apprciate you pointing out the basic steps to do this.  To answer your earlier question:  Yes -- that is exacly what I was trying to accomplish.  In this case, however, ending up with clips that run at the correct speed by default will help keep things simpler going forward.

    Thanks again to everybody for their input here,


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