Trying to work with uncompressed streams as input of AMT3 we have some questions.
In the MediaAssetDescription file we can see as valid values :
<xs:simpleType name="ComponentOrderType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ABGR 4444"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ARGB 4444"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BGRA 4444"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RGBA 4444"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RGB 4440"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BGR 4440"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UYVY 4220"/>
<xs:enumeration value="YUYV 4220"/>
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="ComponentTypeType">
<xs:enumeration value="8 bit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unsigned short 10:6"/>
<xs:enumeration value="short 2:14"/>
<xs:enumeration value="short"/>
<xs:enumeration value="float"/>
<xs:enumeration value="v210"/>
Can you confirm that unsigned short 10:6 corresponds to 10bit little endian ?
Can you confirm that short 2:14 corresponds to 14bit big endian ?
What is the usecase of short and float ?
With the previous available values, is it possible to describe yuv422p10le or yuv422p10be inputs ?
We are able to make working some transcoding jobs with uncompress as source. Like 1920x1080 uncompressed 422/8bits inputs to XDCAM-HD 50 target.
But it seems that some "Picture strategy" are not possible.
Does a list of authorized picture strategies exists ?
For example, whatever pixel format is given as input (uyvy/8bit, RGB4440/unsigned short 10:6, ...), we are experiencing the following kind of errors.
INFO - Starting picture strategy from 'Uncompressed, 25/1, 3840x2160, full frame, 16x9, color model YUV (Rec NotSet), UYVY 4220/unsigned short 10:6, Sampled Topness 1' to 'AVC-Intra 4:2:2 Unconstrained, 25/1, 3840x2160, full frame, 0x1, color model YUV (Rec NotSet), 4:2:2, 10bit, Sampled Topness 1'.
INFO - Picture strategy resolved = 0.
WARN - MediaProcessor executing hardAbort...
Without the possibility to see if it's a problem of invalid pixel Format conversion or just an unsupported target.
Are 3840x2160 XAVC-Intra 300 or 480 valid targets ?
Thank you.
Woody Technologies
Hi Gregor, we are reviewing your question and agree that we need to improve our documentation here. Upfront, here are the definitions of the different enums:
kCT_Invalid, kCT_8Bit, // 8 bits per component, no padding kCT_USHORT_4_12, // Unsigned short with 12 LSB bits carrying sample information kCT_USHORT_12_4, // Unsigned short with 12 MSB bits carrying sample information kCT_USHORT_10_6, // Unsigned short with 10 MSB bits carrying sample information kCT_SHORT_2_14, // Normalized signed 16 bit with 14 bits fractional part kCT_SHORT, // 16 bit kCT_HALFFLOAT, // 16 bit half-float kCT_FLOAT, // Float kCT_V210 // 10 bit V210 packing
It is possible to describe a yuv 422 progressive 10bit format. Stand by also regarding your question of picture strategies, we are trying to come up with a way of documenting this.
3840 x 2160 (UHDTV1) XAVC-I 300 or 480 are by all means valid targets. For XAVC-I 300 and 480, all the operating points below are supported (class 480 is identical), for both VBR and CBG encoding.
Thanks a lot.
A lot of stuff to read and understand !
Hello Andy,
I'm Grégoire, teammate of Gregor, partially in charge of AMT3 integration here at Woody Technologies.
Thank you for your answer, but i still need a precision.
When you say that "It is possible to describe a yuv 422 progressive 10bit format ", what are the good values for this PixelFormat description?
Cause in actual .xsd for ComponentOrder only YUVU 4220 and UYVY 4220 are described. It seems that YUV xxx is not an option. (Not proposed in .xsd.)
For now, what we have tried as pixel format values are:
<mpmad:ComponentOrder>UYVY 4220</mpmad:ComponentOrder>
<mpmad:ComponentType>unsigned short 10:6</mpmad:ComponentType>
Because it seems to be the most matching values for the yuv 422 progressive 10bit rawvideo that we have in input.
But it seems to fail and except pixel format i can't see what it's invalid in the Picture strategy and make it fail.
INFO - Starting picture strategy from 'Uncompressed, 25/1, 3840x2160, full frame, 16x9, color model YUV (Rec NotSet), UYVY 4220/unsigned short 10:6, Sampled Topness 1' to 'AVC-Intra 4:2:2 Unconstrained, 25/1, 3840x2160, full frame, 0x1, color model YUV (Rec NotSet), 4:2:2, 10bit, Sampled Topness 1'. INFO - Picture strategy resolved = 0. WARN - MediaProcessor executing hardAbort...
Is there for ComponentOrder like for Component Type, non documented valid options ? (Like YUV xxx ?)
Thank you for your time and your future answers.
Ok, Problem solved.I was working on outdated documentation.By the time XAVC-Intra 300 was a valid target now it have to be XAVC-Intra 300-CBG.
As this valid value is not documented in EssenceInfo.xsd but only in IMediaAsset.h it takes some time to figure it out.
And strangely the wrong value of target was not raised at all and Picture Strategy evaluation was made though it can only failed.
This thread can be closed IMO.Grégoire
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