Latest post Fri, Jun 8 2018 10:01 PM by studiosanctum. 3 replies.
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  • Mon, May 28 2018 5:40 PM

    MC Fullscreen mode does NOT work when...

    MC Fullscreen mode does NOT work when you are using a second display and have it arranged on top of your main display. Insane bug that I cannot believe Avid has let linger for years.

  • Tue, May 29 2018 2:07 PM In reply to

    Re: MC Fullscreen mode does NOT work when...

    Avid technical support sent me this:

    ”I have checked the records in here that is tied up with the vertical monitor and was found out that it was actually an unsupported set-up that is why this has not worked before and now. The qualified configuration is a side to side set-up. However, a feature request has already been submitted to Engineering and it is up to them when they would integrate this feature.”




    How hard can this be? 

  • Tue, May 29 2018 8:51 PM In reply to

    Re: MC Fullscreen mode does NOT work when...

    Since you're working full screen on the top monitor, would a reasonable (though admittedly iirritating) workaround be to arrange it in the system setup to the side of the main dispaly?

    Edit 1: MC 8.10 + Symphony + PhraseFind • MacPro 6x3.5GHz/64GB OS10.10.5 • Artist Mix & Color • Aja Io 4K • Edit 2: MC 8.10 • MacPro 2x2.66GHz/48GB... [view my complete system specs]

    Rodney Sewell BFS

  • Fri, Jun 8 2018 10:01 PM In reply to

    Re: MC Fullscreen mode does NOT work when...

    Why can't they make arranging your screens stacked on top of eachother work?

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