Latest post Thu, May 30 2013 8:28 PM by Larry Rubin. 1 replies.
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  • Thu, May 30 2013 8:02 PM

    • Lord Volvo
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    New system drive - relinking project data

    My system drive on the PC that runs Avid MC 2.8.4 had to be replaced with a new one.  Unfortunately I was unable to clone the old one, so everything is now a fresh install on a new drive.  But I still have the old system drive docked to my PC and can access the files on it. 

    I also used two separate data drives to store my video footage and other Avid media files.  Unfortunately I'm not sure which drive has the needed info to relink all needed files for my projects.  So my Avid data may be scattered about on three drives!

    How can I relink my projects so all of the files, bins, graphics, sequences, etc., are restored as before?

    Forgive my ignorance if this is an easy task; I'm an editor, not an installer.  :)


  • Thu, May 30 2013 8:28 PM In reply to

    Re: New system drive - relinking project data

    Hello and welcome to the Avid Forums!

    First, make sure you are following the Avid Media Folder Management Ground Rules:

    1) The "Avid MediaFiles" folder (for MXF media) and the "OMFI MediaFiles" folder (for OMF media if you have any) MUST reside at the root level of the media drive, never inside any other folders or the system will not find the media. The directory should be X:\Avid MediaFiles\MXF\1* where X is the specific media drive.

    2) The folder names must always be the exact factory default names listed above (minus the quotes) or the system will not find the media.

    3) There can be only one of each folder type on any given media drive.

    *There is a 5,000 file limit on numerical folders. When 5,000 is reached, the system will create a "2" folder, move all the contents from "1" into it, and then repopulate "1" with new files. And so on.

    Then rebuild the Media Database. Quit the application. Then, from each numerical folder inside the MXF folder inside the Avid MediaFiles folder, delete the two files that identify by type as "MSM Media Database" also identified as "msmFMID.pmr" and "msmMMOB.mdb" . If you have an OMFI MediaFiles folder, delete the same two files. On re-launch, the system will detect the missing files and build new ones at the "Initializing Media Streams Manager" stage. You will see the system go into a scanning and indexing mode at this point. Depending on the number of media drives and total amount of media on your system this could take a while, so good time for a meal break.

    Newscutter Nitris DX * Media Composer (At Home on PC running XP Pro) * Symphony (At home on MacBook Pro3,1 running 10.7.2) * Interplay... [view my complete system specs]

    Larry Rubin

    Senior Editor

    The Pentagon Channel

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