Latest post Sat, May 25 2013 9:05 PM by camoscato. 4 replies.
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  • Fri, May 24 2013 3:24 PM

    MC 5.04 Video transitions not fluid

    In NTSC HD 1920 x1080, when editing, I use the "Quick Transition" button on the timeline to dissolve the video to the next clip or to fade to black. I "Export to device" with HDV. I record my movie on a Sony H1U but when I play the movie, the transitions are not fluid.  What can I do to improve my transitions?


  • Fri, May 24 2013 3:29 PM In reply to

    Re: MC 5.04 Video transitions not fluid


    What does "not fluid" mean?  Does the video stutter during playback?  Does it pixellate?  Something else?


    Media Composer 2024.6 w/Symphony/SS/PF options, HP Z-Book G6 17", i7-9850H 2.60GHz, 64gb RAM, NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000, Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini... [view my complete system specs]

    "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who only consider the price are this man's lawful prey."  - John Ruskin (1819-1900)


    Carl Amoscato | Freelance Film & Video Editor | London, UK

  • Fri, May 24 2013 4:07 PM In reply to

    Re: MC 5.04 Video transitions not fluid

    A screen grab of your transition in progress would be helpful. Go to the "options" tab in the forum reply field, then click "add/update", navigate to your image file, save and post. A png, tiff or jpg will work fine.

    Newscutter Nitris DX * Media Composer (At Home on PC running XP Pro) * Symphony (At home on MacBook Pro3,1 running 10.7.2) * Interplay... [view my complete system specs]

    Larry Rubin

    Senior Editor

    The Pentagon Channel

  • Sat, May 25 2013 8:50 PM In reply to

    Re: MC 5.04 Video transitions not fluid

    Hi Carl,  thanks for your answe.r

    My video stutters, it seems that the translation is not linear, not smooth even when I fade to black. There is no problem with the pixels. What do you suggest?

  • Sat, May 25 2013 9:05 PM In reply to

    Re: MC 5.04 Video transitions not fluid

    What do you suggest?

    1. Make a duplicate of the sequence.  Perform all the following steps on the duplicate sequence.

    2. Do a video mixdown.  Select whatever the highest DNxHD resolution is that won't fill up your media drive.

    3. Replace all the video tracks in your sequence with the video mixdown.  You should wind up with a sequence consisting of only one video track.

    4. Export to your device.

    If the sequence is really long, you may want to just cut it down to a couple of your transitions and do those as a test.

    Also, there may be something about HDV that limits what resolution you can choose, so if it doesn't work with a DNxHD resolution, try it with an HDV resolution.  (I don't know because I don't work with HDV very often.)

    Media Composer 2024.6 w/Symphony/SS/PF options, HP Z-Book G6 17", i7-9850H 2.60GHz, 64gb RAM, NVIDIA Quadro RTX 3000, Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini... [view my complete system specs]

    "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who only consider the price are this man's lawful prey."  - John Ruskin (1819-1900)


    Carl Amoscato | Freelance Film & Video Editor | London, UK

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